Bridge Oracle Introduction

Bridge Oracle
3 min readJul 15, 2020

Smart contracts are a kind of application with tamper-proof context and clauses which are deployed and executed on blockchain networks. It means that no one is able to manipulate the codes and functions of a smart contract, after deployment. Therefore unlike traditional paper and digital contracts which are written and programmed on centralized institutions and platforms, respectively which are exposed to alteration, termination and deletion by a party member or a third person, smart contracts bring parties into agreement and generate a novel and powerful class of trust without relying on any party member or intermediaries. This feature turns smart contracts into a superior tool for realizing and implementing digital agreements.

With these explanations smart contracts are going to change the world commerce by providing an infrastructure for creating dapps and DAOs in order to automate businesses based on blockchain technology. However, a problem exists there. For digitalizing real-world agreements, blockchain and smart contracts need to access real world data but it should be noted that due to underlying consensus protocols, blockchain on which smart contracts are established and start working, cannot access external data.

Thus, smart contract developers encounter a connectivity issue according to which majority of smart contracts are not able to function practically. Without connectivity, smart contracts and blockchains are tools and platforms only applicable for tokenization purposes and they are not flexible enough to be used as a programming ecosystem.

So what?!

This problem is only solvable using Oracle systems. Oracles are kind of technologies through which people are able to inject real world data into their smart contracts. Using oracle technology, smart contracts can be programmed as required and work as a decentralized autonomous organization.

Bridge is the first ever public oracle system on TRON network which has been developed to provide ability of accessing external data for ordinary users’ smart contracts. Because making smart contracts to be externally aware and capable of accessing off-chain resources is a vital aspect if they are expected to be substituted with manual and digital agreements in use.

Bridge oracle system provides the services which can be seen in the following picture:

fig. 1. Services of Bridge Oracle System

In order to read more about the project including introduction, whitepaper, developers’ document, more details about services, etc you can refer to Bridge website.

We suggest you to read conclusion from Bridge whitepaper to fully understand the position of Bridge oracle system on TRON ecosystem.

fig. 2. Landing Page of Bridge Oracle Website

